chistera_gris mary_gris yafer_grisloma_gris


  • MARY by Yafer

“Mary” is our premium quality brand and in great demand by many clients. It was born in 1973 , and it is the first registered own brand by Yafer S.L. This brand provided our product an increased value and prestige, abroad and in national market. Mary, eventually achieved great recognition and international prestige in Sweden, Germany, Poland , and in Malta, Croacia, Russia UAE, and Saudi Arabia increased its market shares.


“Chistera” is our second own brand. It was registered by the company in 1980 ant it was born because of a necessity to create two different brands coexisting in one same market.


Yafer was born in order to offer a standard quality product . It actually gains special prominence in high demand times.


Here we leave a small photo gallery.