Aforos Kampala 2014-2015 Naranja y Clementina

Aforos Kampala 2014-2015 Naranja y Clementina

We have the gauging of 2014-2015 season

In the Valencia region:

MANDARINAS TOTAL 1,611,763 1,496,791 -114,972 -7.1
NARANJA TOTAL 1,735,301 1,674,419 -60,882 -3.5
LIMONES TOTAL 248,445 329,328 80,883 32.6
POMELO TOTAL 8,721 16,567 7,846 90.0
CITRICOS TOTAL 3,604,230 3,517,105 -87,125 -2.4

In Murcia:

Lemon: 508,000 versus 390,000 last year

Orange: 173,000 representing a decrease of 1.7%

Clementina: 102,000 increased by 6.9%


• For species, the current capacity has been estimated fewer sweet orange (-9.1%) from last year, mainly as a consequence of the decrease in the provinces of Córdoba (-23.1%) and Sevilla (-13.6%).
• In mandarin change is forecast to increase from last season (6%), with increases in all provinces and very stable values ​​in Huelva, the main producing barely rises by 0.1%.
• Lemon experienced the largest variation from last season with a production 8.7% higher as a result of the general increase in all regions, especially in Malaga, as the main producing province, with 10.3%